Okay Y’all, on this episode I’m talking about the foundation of what I do and where One Small Bite really comes from. I talk about some of my client interactions over the 14 years I have been practicing as a dietitian, some of the realizations I’ve had, and influential exposures that have really guided my practice. This episode will also give you some insight into the book I am working on.

So how One Small Bite  came to be? Well It all started around our family dinners! It’s the same approach we all should take to truly chop that diet mentality and make meaningful changes. Along with the One Small Bite mentality there are four traits or mindsets I have continued to see in my clients who end up having the most success- Curiosity, Compassion, Commitment, and Consistency. These Four C’s are the foundation of what it means to take One Small Bite

For show notes, links, and more info please click here to visit the website. We discuss so much more! So let’s – Chop the diet mentality; Fuel your body; and Nourish your soul!