This week, Ameé speaks with motivational speaker, suicide prevention advocate and pediatrician  Dr. Uchenna Umeh. Known as “Dr. Lulu” to her pediatric patients, she is also the author of How to Teach Your Children About Racism: A Letter From A Black Mother to White Parent and added “TEDx Speaker” to her impressive list of accomplishments. In this episode, she tells Ameé why she quit her regular practice to become a full-time teen suicide prevention advocate. She also describes what her life is like as a black mother with three sons and the role racism, LGBTQ, and bullying play into reasons why children kill themselves. 


In this episode you will hear:

What are the reasons why teens kill themselves?ACES (Adverse Childhood Experiences) and SuicideGenerational trauma and epigeneticsLGBTQ Teens and Suicide ratesPeer Pressure or suicide contagionThe problem with treating a child’s depression without treating the environment they are inBeing a black mother and racism todayThe things we CAN do to prevent a suicidal child from killing themselves


#staywithmyson #silencekills #talksaveslives #bethe1to #endteendepression #endteensuicide #askdoctorlulu

