In today’s online business world, it’s going to be a challenge to get to the multi 7-figure mark in business without an email list. According to Adobe, the average email is still worth $39.64 over the life of the email. That means that if you have a thousand people on your email list, the list has the potential to be worth $39,460.00 to your business. Not every person that is on your list is going to convert to a sale, but it’s important to talk about the benefits of growing your email list. I’ve recently seen a lot of opt-ins and freebies being used as a way of doing this.  

An email list is going to be super important to your business because it is a way of creating trust with your ideal client over time. Some people are email people, some are Facebook people, and some are Instagram people. If you’re ignoring your email list, you’re ignoring a group of people who don’t engage in the social media space a lot. Many of my listeners are in a place in their business where they’re trading dollars for hours, they’ve run out of time in the day, and they’re not sure what the next step is. When it comes to building your email list, a freebie or opt-in is going to be your best option. A freebie is something short and digestible that can be taken in in less than an hour. You want it to showcase your expertise in your area of business and help your ideal client move from where they are to where they want to be. This could be checklists, blueprints, or a free plus shipping offer if you have a product that you can send out to potential clients.

  If you want to figure out how to successfully grow your email list using a freebie so that you have an audience, tune in to this episode!

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