We welcomed Holly Chantal onto the OMG Show to talk all things business with us! Holly has been in the digital marketing world for 10 years and works to help service providers align their current business with their goals through their branding and their marketing systems. She started out doing website strategy and found that most business owners didn’t know what to ask for on their website because they didn’t know who their ideal client was. They thought they knew who their ideal client was but most were focusing on the clients they were getting rather than the ones that they wanted to attract. As you scale your business, your audience will shift as well, but it can be hard to integrate the changes that need to be made.  All too often when we first start out, we get the advice that we should say yes to every client. You have to shed that belief as the business grows because someone who fits into your small business may not grow with you as your business grows.  

When you first start out in business, not all the advice that you receive or that you get from the experts is going to be applicable to your business. It’s important that right off the bat you start picking and choosing the things that are going to work best for you. Holly also helps us figure out how to make the intentional shift in choosing who you’re serving so that you can make sure you’re working with clients that you want to work with. It’s super important to take yourself out of the day to day in order to do so because we can get caught up in our routines. Really take a step back and look at the numbers, how you’re marketing and who you want to be marketing to.  

Holly had a ton of great advice that she shares in the episode, so don’t miss out!  

Website - https://www.hollychantal.com/

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/hollychantal/

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