Entrepreneurial burnout is a real thing, but I have a few secrets to avoid it!  

Last week, most of my family was sick including me. It started with my little one, who then gave it to the big one, who gave it to me. Long story short I decided to do something different than I normally would, and it was a big win for me. I think that as entrepreneurs, this is something that we need to pay attention to. I would normally push through it and continue to work, and the sickness would just end up getting worse and lasting for weeks or months. It was miserable.  

This time around, I decided that I was going to cancel all my calls for the day and just take some time to relax. I binge-watched a ton of Netflix, read half a book, watched some Game of Thrones, and still had the nanny come to watch the kids so that I could take time alone. I finally, completely, 100% relaxed. A really big part of avoiding burnout and stopping it before it happens is listening to your body. For us, it’s super easy to work around the clock and want to constantly keep hustling to make your business successful. I truly don’t think that you have to work that way (I talked all about this in the previous episode:


I wanted to share my time management process and how I’m able to work less but focus more and it has been hugely beneficial to me in my business.

  It’s helped me to avoid the burnout that I used to experience as a new entrepreneur when I would work for weeks and then be dead for days after. I’m going to share with you guys some of the secrets that I use to avoid burnout completely because I want to help you guys to not be in the same position as I was all those years ago. If you need help figuring out how to stop burnout in its tracks, this is the episode for you!

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