At OMG, we recently did some research around what the biggest challenges were for entrepreneurs when it came to getting to six figures and beyond in their business. We polled over 200 people and of those 200, 60% said that being consistent was one of the biggest obstacles standing in their way. This was a problem in my own business for years, but every year that we’ve remained consistent we’ve been doubling the business that we do. I wanted to share with you all some of the ninja tips that I’ve been using in my business to get consistent and be able to stay consistent.

Ninja tip #1 is that when you are on the clock and working, you’re working. When you’re off the clock, don’t work! This means no answering emails during dinnertime with your family, no scheduling calls when you want to be at your child’s event, no work outside of work time. Along with this, I suggest creating a set schedule for yourself with hours that you don’t work outside of.

I also suggest having a planner (other than the digital calendar that I’m sure most people use) to keep track of your daily schedule. I personally use my Best Self planner to make to-do lists for every day. This is perfect for blocking time and making sure that I am keeping myself on task. Plan out your targets for the day as well.

Along with this, plan out time where you can batch create macro content for your business. Create a ton of Youtube videos, podcast episodes, or emails ahead of time so that you aren’t waiting until the last minute to get them done. By having them done weeks ahead of time, you can let yourself rest easy if you aren’t able to get to one on time. These are just some of my suggestions about how I got consistent in my business, so don’t miss out on this episode if this has been a challenge for you in the past!