How can you tell when you are making excuses not to do something or when it’s not in alignment with your goals?

This was something that I was asked recently that really got me thinking. I always talk about how certain things are just not in alignment with my business, but I don’t know if I’ve ever explained to you guys how to know what isn’t in alignment. It’s easy to make excuses for the things that you don’t want to do, but that doesn’t mean that they are not in alignment with your business.

When it comes to excuses, I will have the same thing on my to-do list for days or even weeks on end because I keep pushing off doing it. If that happens, I always start to ask myself a few different questions.

1. Is this something that I really want?

2. Does this serve me?

3. Why do I want to accomplish this?

4. What is holding me back from getting this done?

The biggest thing that gets in the way for me is time. For the past week, it’s been crazy busy and hard to accomplish all of the things that I wanted to in the amount of time that is available. When I say that I want to accomplish something and time tends to be the excuse, I look at my schedule and ask if this is something that I can delegate, or if it is something that I need to carve out time in my schedule to accomplish. If there is something that you keep putting off doing that has nothing with time, that is when we start to move into the excuse territory. If you find yourself scrolling endlessly on your computer and dragging your feet so that you don’t have to do something, it’s more likely than not that you have the time and ability but you don’t want to. Overall, there’s a big difference between not being in alignment with something and just making excuses to not have to accomplish it.