Think about where you will be in business one year from today. There’s an epidemic going on in the online space where entrepreneurs want to keep starting new things constantly…. Slow your roll! Most people, especially if you’re a solopreneur, only need 1 or 2 programs. A one on one program and a group program or membership are all that you really need to have success in business.

When you’re constantly working on the next best project, you’re always in creation mode but you’re not learning how to sell anything effectively. How can you tell if you have one product that has the potential to be massively successful or if they'll be flops if you aren’t putting any attention into marketing or honing these offers? Now, you may be thinking, “Jamie, you have multiple products in your business” and you would be right. I have a Done for You side of my business and a Taught to You side.

The Done for You programs that we offer I’ve been working on for 15 years currently. I spend the past 5 or 6 just creating the systems and processes to be able to delegate that work to my team, who now handles the implementation of that side of my business. As for the Taught to You, we offer 1:1 coaching or group coaching, both of which run along the same course. I recently added my group-coaching program which is why I am now taking the time over the next year to really hone in and turn it into a successful venture. Everything that I do is going to geared towards plugging people into that group so that I know it will be successful. This is how I’ve really been able to grow my business and continue doubling my sales every year. As you start to think about how you want to grow your business, remember that the people who have uber success in their business have focused on creating massive success in one area.