No More Excuses! Monday Motivation artwork

No More Excuses! Monday Motivation

386 episodes - English - Latest episode: 24 days ago - ★★★★★ - 3 ratings

Welcome to my weekly Monday Motivation podcasts! Each week I will have a new topic to discuss. I call it "Monday Motivation with an edge!" 

Listen in and learn ways to STOP with the excuses and live life to its fullest! If you're ready to GET OFF YOUR ASS and do something your future self with thank you for... then these podcasts are FOR YOU!
I also ask for, and appreciate, feedback and input! So, listen carefully for the question of the week and yes, special offers to help you Achieve Your Success

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Podcast #51: Are You Worth Working For?

March 20, 2017 13:12 - 10 minutes - 9.82 MB

Happy Monday Motivation! Welcome back to ALMOST ONE YEAR of podcasts!! (insert slight squeal of excitement!)  No More Excuses! Right? We're all full of them and one I have heard and it breaks my heart is, "I don't want to work that hard" or "I didn't realize it would be this hard". Well, life IS hard isn't it? I'm sure we've all read about or looked at some celebrity or big business owner and thought it was merely luck and he/she was born with "IT"! If you ask any successful person, they...

Podcast #50: What is it that you Need?

March 13, 2017 13:13 - 8 minutes - 7.71 MB

Welcome back to another dose of Monday Motivation's podcast No More Excuses!  I think I'm tired from everyone complaining about losing one hour of sleep with the time change on Saturday! LOL! So, what is it that I need... people to stop complaining about the petty things in life!!  I learned to pause this weekend after taking care of my Dad last week. He wasn't dying, he had DOUBLE knee replacement surgery 2 weeks ago today. It was a very long and tiring week! Although I was in charge of...

Podcast #49: Why? Why do you what you do?

March 06, 2017 14:05 - 9 minutes - 8.73 MB

Welcome back to Monday Motivation's No More Excuses podcast!  I appreciate you listening! Last week was about doing too much. Giving too much. Finding out why you give so much of yourself that you don't have anything left for you... and for what? Some of you who answered said, you give too much because you love what you do. Others said they aren't sure how to say NO. Why do you do it? Why do you do what you do? I like to ask WHY a lot! Don't we learn by asking "why"?  In a previous p...

Podcast #48: Do You Do Too Much?

February 27, 2017 14:05 - 8 minutes - 8.09 MB

Welcome back! Thank you again for listening to No More Excuses! If you are listening outside of Indiana, I would appreciate it if you would comment here or email me at [email protected] and let me know where you are! Last week I asked what you were holding back on. How by NOT sharing your talents, your knowledge, your gifts, that can make you selfish. What will it take for you to help someone who needs what you have? And this week, I want to know what happens when you give to...

Podcast #47: Are You Selfish?

February 20, 2017 13:59 - 9 minutes - 8.76 MB

Happy Monday Motivation! Welcome back to No More Excuses!  Are you being selfish? With your knowledge that is? Last week I talked about what you are good at. We are all good at something, whether it be cooking, writing, sports, trivia, there is at least ONE THING we know we excel at doing. Then... what do we do with that knowledge, experience, education? Do you share it? Do you teach and empower others or do you keep it to yourself? Whether you don't share it due to fear of being less va...

Podcast #46: Damn I'm good... I think.

February 13, 2017 13:30 - 12 minutes - 11.4 MB

Welcome back to the Monday Motivation podcast– No More Excuses!  Last week's podcast was about procrastinating and what it's doing to hinder your growth, the ability to achieve your goals... your success. Many people shared with me that they had been procrastinating on "putting themselves out there", basically their marketing efforts. They had been hiding behind some perfectionism, and that God-awful 4-letter word: FEAR! Yes, fear of not knowing it all, not having it right, not having th...

Podcast #45: How is Procrastinating Hurting Your Success?

February 06, 2017 14:00 - 8 minutes - 7.53 MB

Happy Monday Motivation! January is over! How did it go? Did you make progress? Did you come across some challenges? Did you do anything... yet?  This week I'm asking for your excuses! I want to know why you procrastinate! I want to hear them all! And then there will be No More Excuses... RIGHT?! PROCRASTINATION. We all do it, but WHY? What good comes from it? And NO, motivation is NOT the answer! NOTHING is the answer. Is it FEAR? Is it lack-of PASSION for what you're doing? What is...

Podcast #44: Are You Constantly Hitting a Wall?

January 30, 2017 13:50 - 8 minutes - 7.76 MB

Happy Monday Motivation! This week I want to know more about what's going on in regards to your goals. Do you keep hitting a wall at a certain point? Do you give up? Do you keep trying? Are you trying NEW ways/things to achieve those goals? This week's podcast is courtesy of a client who mentioned in a coaching session that she "told" her daughter what she thinks she should do with her life. So that got me thinking and reminded me about other clients, some very bright, young and fresh ou...

Podcast #43: What Keeps YOU Up at Night?

January 23, 2017 14:48 - 9 minutes - 8.79 MB

Happy Monday Motivation! I hope you are clear on the difference between goals, resolutions and tasks by now. If not, go back and listen to #41 & #42 again. And then if  you are still confused, you better contact me ASAP! :)  This week I give an example of a client who contacted me as she was feeling a bit confused, more overwhelmed I suppose. She knew what she needed to do, "sort of" assumed they were goals, but the main thing was she was trying to find out WHY she knew what she needed to ...

Podcast #42: How Clear Is Your Vision?

January 20, 2017 17:00 - 10 minutes - 10 MB

Welcome back to Monday Motivation's podcast! This week I'd like to focus on how clear your vision is. Of yourself that is! The two previous podcasts I talked about the difference of your resolutions and goals and how they affect each other. And then I also spoke about the difference between goals and tasks and asked you to make sure you knew the difference and also looked at your goal sheet for this year to make sure your goals were really goals and NOT just tasks associated with goals. An...

Podcast #41: Is Your Goal Really A "Goal"?

January 16, 2017 17:00 - 11 minutes - 10.4 MB

Welcome back! This week I want you to think deeper about your goals. Hopefully you did months ago so you were prepared for the start of the year! But even if you set them NOW, today... after you listen to this, is great. You have to get them OUT OF your head and ONTO paper. So you can see them, think about them. Especially NOW! Are your goals really a goal? Are they YOUR goals? Or are they smaller tasks associated with a goal. Yes, last year my "goal" was to get these podcasts started and ...

Podcast #40: New Year = New Goals & Resolution Time

January 02, 2017 14:17 - 8 minutes - 7.97 MB

Why bother creating new RESOLUTIONS when only 8% of the American population keep them? Why screw around with setting new GOALS when you didn't achieve your previously set ones?  WHY BOTHER?  Just keep doing what you've been doing. Perhaps it's working and according to the stats, more than likely it's not. Even I didn't achieve some of my goals! And after coming off a wildly successful 2015, man, that stung! So, why should I bother?  BECAUSE I WANT MORE! For me and especially for my cli...

Podcast #39: It's Time To Celebrate!

December 26, 2016 14:05 - 6 minutes - 6.24 MB

It's the last week of 2016!  Christmas was yesterday, how did you celebrate? Perhaps you don't celebrate Christmas? What did you celebrate and how? Did you hear others talk about their achievements? Did you think they were bragging? Perhaps a little, but did you help them celebrate or were you too busy wallowing in your own self-pity due to what you did NOT accomplish?  Everyone has achieved something. You just have to review things and take time to CELEBRATE your SUCCESS, no matter how ...

Podcast #38: What's Missing?

December 19, 2016 14:05 - 6 minutes - 6.24 MB

Yes, that is the question of the week: What's missing? OR... what are you missing? As I've been harping about, sometimes things are right before your eyes. And, sometimes they aren't.  It can be what you don't see that helps us. But how do you know? How do you know if you're looking too hard or not looking hard enough? New perspective! Did you ask someone? You didn't ask me!! Why not? What are you afraid of? I asked last week "What you are willing to do for your success?" Finding out wha...

Podcast #37: What Are You Willing To Do?

December 12, 2016 14:14 - 6 minutes - 6.31 MB

Ah yes, you've had someone give you a new perspective and now YOU have one as well. You're now able to see the forest through the trees! And now, once you find that new perspective, you have work to do! Yep! More work YAY! This time, it's looking at what you are willing to do. Willing to do MORE of. LESS of. Or DIFFERENTLY. You can't keep doing the same ol same ol and expecting different results, right?! So, now is a great time to grab a piece of paper and a pen. Then listen to the podca...

Podcast #36: Finding and Gaining New Perspective

December 05, 2016 14:05 - 7 minutes - 6.64 MB

Welcome back to my Monday Motivation podcast: No More Excuses!   This week let's talk about NEW PERSPECTIVE. Why do you continue to try the same thing over and over and expect different results?  Are you afraid to ask for help? Do you think you'll appear incapable if you do? Like I mentioned in last week's podcast (#35), sometimes you're too close to the situation to see the answer! Sometimes you need to take a step back, get off the hamster wheel of life, JUMP off the crazy train and ...

Podcast #35: If There's A Will, There's a Way

November 28, 2016 13:52 - 9 minutes - 8.37 MB

Have you reviewed your goals yet? If not, NOW is a great time. Why? Because we only have 5 weeks left in 2016!  This week though, I want you to DIG DEEPER, get another layer in. As you look at your goals, what is something you wanted to happen that hasn't? Perhaps it IS a goal or perhaps it's something you need to get done to help you get closer to a larger goal.  What's happened? Have you tried everything? REALLY? Well, here's a little assignment for you: WRITE IT DOWN! Everything. ...

Podcast #34: Are You Really Thankful?

November 21, 2016 14:49 - 5 minutes - 5.5 MB

Tis the season to be thankful... right? Well, we all know Scrooge wasn't! At least at first! So, are you thankful? Or are you caught up focusing on what you don't have, haven't achieved and feel you've missed out on? This week, with it being Thanksgiving, I want to help you shift your mindset into "thankful mode" and focus on what you DO HAVE, HAVE, and HAVE DONE! I understand it can be difficult sometimes when you have so much chaos in your life, and it feels like you aren't moving forwar...

Podcast #33: "Change" Happens.

November 14, 2016 14:00 - 6 minutes - 5.63 MB

  Ah yes... Change. And not the kind in a dudes pocket that he annoyingly jingles. The kind we have to deal damn near every day in life. Yep. That "change"! What can you do about it? How do you react to it? I'm sure it probably depends on what changed or is about to change. It's nice when you actually get a warning isn't it? What has changed in your life? This past year so far? What change is coming? And, yes, what do you NEED to change but haven't?  Listen in and then tell me: 1. ...

Podcast #32: What The Hell Happened To My Week?

November 12, 2016 21:46 - 8 minutes - 7.94 MB

WOW! Have you ever finished your day or week and wondered what the Hell happened to the time? What about to your "PLAN"? What you wanted to accomplish? That happened to me last week! Now, some meetings were planned, and others went longer and new ones popped on. But thankfully, since I do have a plan, I was able to make adjustments and be there for those who needed help. I also was able to easily recover vs. giving up. How do you handle those days? Those weeks? How do you Recover? Reset? And...

Podcast #31: Back To The Beginning

October 31, 2016 16:00 - 8 minutes - 7.53 MB

Welcome welcome! You are listening to Sandi Ballard – lead motivator at Growing Forward coaching. It is Monday, and you are listening to week 31 of my Monday Motivation podcasts. Thank you for listening. If you are here for the 1st time, thank you and please take a few minutes to go back to week 1 and listen! Actually that’s not a bad idea for ALL of you to do. Go back to the beginning! And start again! That’s this weeks theme! Going back to the beginning. I’ve been talking about, well o...

Podcast #30: How Badly Do You Want "IT"?

October 24, 2016 16:00 - 4 minutes - 4.45 MB

Thank you for listening and for sharing these podcasts with others you feel could benefit. If you want to get them in your inbox and currently do not, email me to add me to your list. WOW – there’s only 5 weeks left until Thanksgiving. Then what happens? Not much anything eh? 5 weeks until businesses slow down – MOST that is. Some even shut down for a couple weeks. Only 5 weeks until you get into “holiday mode” and forget about your goals... OR perhaps you’re using the Holidays as a way to...

Podcast #29: The Clock Is Ticking

October 17, 2016 16:00 - 8 minutes - 7.53 MB

Hello everyone! Yes, it is Monday again and I do hope by now after listening to all of my podcasts (29 weeks of them) that you have a better attitude about Monday’s! Thank you for coming back, yet again, for your weekly dose of Monday Motivation. I had a great birthday week and yesterday after my run I thought about how I felt at 47. All of a sudden, I was like “CRAP that’s awfully close to 50?!” AM I SUPPOSED to be out running 7 miles or more? How should I be FEELING? I’ve actually had peop...

Podcast #28: Becoming An Expert

October 10, 2016 16:00 - 10 minutes - 9.16 MB

Well….welcome back and thank you for listening to this week’s podcast. Last week was about how to “finish the year strong”. We ARE in the last quarter, the final 82 or so days of the year – depending on when you are listening to this (or listening AGAIN!) What did you decide that you could do during the end of the year, the SLOOOOW time to finish strong? To reacquaint yourself with clients, friends, staff… REALITY?! This week's podcast is focused on figuring out how to become or be viewed-...

Podcast #27: I'd Rather Die Trying!

October 03, 2016 16:00 - 7 minutes - 6.83 MB

Welcome back! Are you ready for this week’s Monday Motivation? I sure hope so. It’s been rainy and getting colder here in Indy AND darker, so I know I’ve needed a bit more motivation lately to get me going. Plus, it’s the last quarter. Yup, whether you like it or not, it’s here. Last week’s podcast was about stopping to smell the roses. Pausing long enough to think about your accomplishments and give yourself some credit. No matter how small, as sometimes that’s all you need – that one tin...

Podcast #26: Stop to Smell the Roses

September 26, 2016 16:00 - 7 minutes - 6.87 MB

HELLO there! I know, I could sense it, you were just watching and waiting on pins and needles for the new podcast, the latest Monday Motivation weren’t you?! Well, I do appreciate you listening and would REALLY appreciate it if you would share the podcast via your social media! The more listeners, the better, eh?! Last week was about finding out what you NEED that can help you and honestly that BELIEF – believing in yourself is really the main thing! BELIEF IS POWER and can be the driving ...

Podcast #25: Ya Just Gotta Believe!

September 19, 2016 16:00 - 9 minutes - 8.35 MB

Hey everyone! Sandi here again to dole out another dose of Monday Motivation. Or your weekly challenge, however you choose to view it! What is it that you want or need? Last weeks podcast was about you knowing what you NEED to do… BUT. But something. There was something standing between success and what you KNOW you need to do. So what did you figure out? What is it that you KNOW you NEED to do? AND did you figure out what that “BUT” was? If not, what did you do? Nothing? Anything? Wel...

Podcast #24: I know. I KNOW. I KNOW...

September 12, 2016 16:00 - 7 minutes - 6.65 MB

Hello again listeners! All 6 of ya! HA! It’s that day of the week again, the one you have all chosen to change your attitude about and use it as a launching pad for an awesome week, right? NO? Did I hear you say NO? Well, then you should rewind your attitude a bit and focus on what WILL go well today and how you can kick this week in the ass?! Starting RIGHT NOW! Oh, and if you are listening on a different day, then reflect on how Monday went, how the week has gone so far or “went” if you’...

Podcast #23: Change SUCKS!

September 05, 2016 16:00 - 6 minutes - 5.65 MB

Hidy Ho fellow listeners! I appreciate you logging on here and listening to your weekly Monday Motivation or more of a challenge as it’s becoming!   Let me ask you – do you complain but refuse to make changes? Whether it’s your thoughts, how you do something, WHEN you do something or perhaps personal behavior? Has the WHY behind that changed?  Perhaps the WHY isn’t the problem it’s the HOW. Perhaps you don’t understand or believe IN the WHY behind what you are doing, or the need for change...

Podcast #22: I Will If YOU Will!

August 29, 2016 16:00 - 7 minutes - 6.49 MB

Welcome back to OR welcome if you’re a first-timer to the Monday Motivation podcast! This IS Sandi Ballard, founder of Growing Forward Success Coaching and master of detecting excuses! If ping pong was a game of slapping back excuses at clients, I WOULD win the Olympics! HA! How are things going? Really? Over the last few weeks, I have challenged you to step out of your comfort zone and try something NEW. Do something differently. Get off your ass and climb out of your rut and DO. SOMETHING....

Podcast #6: What Is The Driving Force Behind YOUR Fear?

April 25, 2016 16:00 - 4 minutes - 22.2 MB application/octet-stream

Hi everyone! Sandi here! WOW welcome to WEEK 6 of my Monday Motivation podcasts! It’s gone by fast! My question last week was “what are you willing to do in the next 30 (now 21 days) to enrich  your life? You must still be thinking about it, as no one posted a comment?! Hmmmmm, are you stumped? OR do you KNOW but don’t know HOW to do it or where to start…or perhaps afraid. YEP – THAT DAMN FEAR SHOWS UP EVERYWHERE! I’ve been afraid. I admitted to many of my fears in my 1st book which was ...

Podcast #5: Become Your Best YOU!

April 18, 2016 16:00 - 7 minutes - 40 MB application/octet-stream

As I spoke about in the previous podcast – I help people realize their potential. Sometimes you don’t SEE the same things others do. AH YES, PERCEPTION. We’ll get into that in another podcast and be ready – perception is NOT reality!  Wasted talent…so what do I mean by that? We’ve seen the obvious ones – you know, the 7’ kid who we assume he plays basketball yet he doesn’t even like sports. Yes, there are those, but what I am referring to is when people have a special gift – an eye for cre...

Podcast #4: What is Your Vision?

April 11, 2016 16:00 - 7 minutes - 38.1 MB application/octet-stream

This week’s theme - What’s your vision? What do you see on “the other side”. In last week’s podcast, I asked you to share what you saw when you got to Happy Land!! In the podcast, I suggested you draw a picture (nothing elaborate) or even write down what you want. What you SEE and how you would FEEL once you get to “Happy Land”.  So – what IS your vision and how the hell do you get there? About 3 years ago, I had a woman come to me and say “I want to make better choices”. At first it w...

Podcast #3: How Has Fear Sabotaged You?

April 04, 2016 16:00 - 5 minutes - 27.3 MB application/octet-stream

In last week’s podcast, I ended by asking for people to share with me what they were afraid of. Evidently it was posting their fear as no one did! Some of the answers I received were: SUCCESS, Settling, offering a specific service this person wasn’t trained in and yet another said Running for City Council. All different. With success, as mentioned in my previous podcast, I discussed a client who had someone he admired change negatively as he achieved success. With Settling – it could be ...

Podcast 2: What Does Success Mean to YOU?

March 28, 2016 16:00 - 4 minutes - 23.8 MB application/octet-stream

Hi everyone and thank you again for listening to my weekly Monday Motivation podcast. This is only my 2nd one, so I am still learning and having fun doing so! During the podcast, I’ll ask a question or for you to share something via email or social media - What gets me excited is seeing people accomplish their goals – truly achieve Their Success. (which is my tagline!)  And that was actually my question last week – I asked people to share “What does success mean to you?” How do you defin...

Podcast 1: Spring Clean Your Goals

March 21, 2016 16:00 - 5 minutes - 29.8 MB application/octet-stream

HI! And welcome to my very first Podcast called Monday Motivation! My name is Sandi Ballard. I’m a Motivator. A Taskmaster. A Connector and more importantly a COACH!  My company is Growing Forward and I help YOU achieve YOUR success. Today’s theme is SPRING! The start of the 2nd quarter. Yes, we’re already 90 days INTO this new year, so it’s time to check-in on your progress and do a sort of “SPRING CLEANING” on your goals. Out with the old, in with the new! This week take a moment to ...


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