In this episode, I'm musing on inflexible thinking. I don’t think that we’re naturally inflexible as much as it’s just naturally looking at what matters to us at the moment. It looks inflexible, but the thing is that you’ve not convinced us (or I've not convinced myself) that what you think is important is really that important.

I'm not saying that there isn't an EF skills component to this, but perhaps inflexibility is a little more than us struggling to do what is important, but like everything, more complex. There's a whole lot of layers to get us to shift from what we think is necessary now to believe and feeling that another thing is actually important even if it's not happening at that moment yet.

This episode looks at 3 things that happen when we're trying to be a little more flexible.

1. Consistency in meeting immediate needs
2.  Convince me (what I can't see) it matters more
3. I can’t see what’s important later

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