This is a Holy Spirit inspired sermon titled: Seared Edges With Erin Nicole. I speak about the truth of what is going on in my reality, the truth of a bad parent I worked for that ignored child abuse concerns I had of her child multiple times, and I reported it to the schools to protect her children because the child abductions in America are so bad that even CPS has been known to abduct children in this illegal sex slavery illuminati cult. I speak about the bad choices an Active Duty Military Officer made to prostitute his body for my job while he had his own full-time job and didn't need the extra money πŸ’°. I speak about the sword my former boss's 11 year old purchased off of Amazon without mom's knowledge at all. Neglect at it's finest for our rich society. Be careful when you disrespect your employees that care about your kids more than you do. Seared edges hurt worse when they get pulled out. There is a hope beyond all hope if you get stabbed in the back from psychotic bosses that owe you money and get you thrown in jail on false charges. His name is Jesus Christ and he does not like child abusers or child neglecters. Listen all the way to the end and if it adds value to you, please donate any amount you feel led to our nonprofit arm for Veterans and First Responders: This former boss will be featured in our 2nd book release of my autobiography from 37 years- whatever the Lord decides as a villain and I will make a LOT of money πŸ’° off of the truth and 100% of the royalties will be going to the security teams that protect America πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ so no one can criminalize me because I'm not keeping any of the money πŸ’΄ just like our Politicians do! I'm learning how to play their game 😏 #MafiaDemocracy Style πŸ‘Š 40 Days till my husband is returned to me. I can't wait for court next week πŸ’ƒ. I'm going to air a lot of dirty laundry of the Democratic Party and all the mental illness you have caused on American Citizens that are negatively impacting my paychecks illegally.