This is a Holy Spirit inspired sermon titled: Discretion Vs Public Shaming. I speak about spiritual warfare, cultural differences, and traitors to America πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ. Parents please preview as I do discuss violence, sexual violence, and do not desire to create fear in young ears. Decide as the parents if and when to share this information with your young children or just set up protective parameters for them from the knowledge I share. The Holy Spirit is VERY angry at the people abducting and harming the children of the world. If you are one of those people, watch your back. He can destroy all of us in a moment. Choose love. Choose kindness. President Trump will be back in office next year. 39 days until I am reunited to my husband, his top security man whom Biden's security team paid to have killed with his wife, me, after he asked to retire from his job. TRAITORS DO NOT GET RE-ELECTED. Jesus is real. He loves Trump. Don't waste your political resources at all. The Lord has spoken.