This is a very long Holy Spirit inspired hood sermon titled: Juggling Of The Mind With Erin Nicole. I curse a LOT and say the 'p' word so parents please preview as I am releasing my stress and the Lord loves me regardless. He reveals some scriptures through the Holy Spirit's supernatural ways and its all tied into the topic of actual juggling and spiritual juggling as well as political war games juggling and the chaos I have had to endure because of this 3 year contract people signed to steal from me from our government. Absolute nuts. Worst country ever with our leadership in power. I am believing for a BIG turnaround and President Trump's team will be paid $120 Billion dollars for all the slander. That's what the Lord said, so it'll be done. 40 days to fix your fuckups Democratic Party. 40 days to bring my husband back to me that you tried to have killed when he asked to retire. 40 days to fix your negative PR that your security team caused and fucked up by forgetting to erase the Sheriffs Report and sharing too much intel with me and not properly training me as your spy nor paying me. I am of royal blood from King David who slayed Goliath. You royally disrespected me and my husband last year. 40 days. Fix it. See you soon 😉