Mindful Men Talk is back!

In their first ‘lockdown special' James and Steve discuss the challenges they have faced during these unusual times and how they are navigating their way through these challenges. In particular, they explore what lessons they have learned and are learning through this whole lockdown experience and how they are supporting themselves.

Interested in Steve's weekly (online) mindfulness sessions? Get in touch with Steve via email for more information: [email protected]

Interested in James' weekly (online) Graft group training sessions? Get in touch with James via email for more information: [email protected]

In this refreshingly honest and authentic podcast, James & Steve delve into a whole host of topics, issues and stigmas, in the hope that their curiosity and awareness will encourage others to "speak up" and talk more. You can find more information, including our profiles and latest blogs, at Mindful Men Talk

Acknowledgements: Alaa Hijazi (Trauma Psychologist) Facebook Post - as mentioned by Steve.