Membership Site Lab: Actionable Tips & Advice on How To Build & Grow your Membership Site! artwork

Membership Site Lab: Actionable Tips & Advice on How To Build & Grow your Membership Site!

34 episodes - English - Latest episode: over 4 years ago - ★★★★★ - 7 ratings

Membership site model is THE most profitable business model. Your membership site can power your ENTIRE online business, provided it has the right foundation. Add in an upsell funnel and 1-click upselling, the possibilities are truly limitless!

Recurring income from your Membership Site will make it easier to grow your business and with the predictable recurring revenue from existing customers, you don't have to worry about finding new customers to sell your products every single month. It reduces the pressure of having to make continual new sales month after month to pay the bills. And at the same time, the recurring income will give you the budget, the funds that you need to expand your team and spruce up your marketing efforts to bring in new members into your membership program.

I'm the co-founder / co-developer of (DAP), a premium Membership Plugin for Wordpress. We launched DAP back in 2008. We've generated millions of dollars in revenue from DAP and our other plugins.

In the last 9 years, i've worked with several membership site customers. I've seen people struggle for months and never launch a thing and seen others setup things in 1-2 days and just launch.

Now I'm ready to share my experiences with you, to advise you on things that can help, and things you stay away from. I'm also the author of an Amazon best selling book on Upsells called "Upsells Unleashed", so yes, funnel building is going to feature heavily in my podcast!

My goal with this podcast is to share my 9 years of Membership Site knowledge and experiences with you, to help you take your business to the next level, using Membership Sites.


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How an automated notification helped him save $800 in recurring revenue - Episode #34!

March 14, 2020 21:51 - 7 minutes - 5.55 MB

Action takers always win! Being at home now more than ever means... more time to work on my passion! I didn't have any plans to record a podcast episode this morning but I received an email from a customer this morning where he shared an email to show how something he did recently created an $800 sale that you can do very easily as well. Be sure to take a listen to find out what this customer of our membership plugin - (DAP) said and why it was important for me to s...

How to Minimize Failed Payments with PayPal, Stripe & Authnet – Episode #33!

March 09, 2020 20:53 - 12 minutes - 9.07 MB

Involuntary churn does not just impact your revenue, it negatively impacts your relationship with the customer as well because they lose access to the product or service they are actively using without even realizing that their payment failed or their subscription was suspended or terminated. You can easily minimize involuntary churn using the right tools and strategy. Each payment processor is different and they deal with failed payments differently. Take a listen to this episode to lea...

A Simple & Easy-to-Implement Rewards-Based Membership Model - Episode #32!

March 01, 2020 20:18 - 18 minutes - 12.7 MB

Recently one of our DAP customers contacted us as he wanted to know if there was way to implement a rewards-based membership model. Here's what he wanted to do... When users click on his facebook ad and land on his opt-in page, he wanted to gift those users 100 points. And he wanted to allow these users to use their points just like coupons on the checkout. A simple rewards-based model that's sure to help you increase your opt-in conversions. Because not only are you giving away a valu...

Membership Models: The Magazine Subscription Model - Episode #31!

February 22, 2020 20:54 - 17 minutes - 12.3 MB

Recently we received a pre-sales email from a user who asked some great questions about magazine subscription model. She said: I'm looking for a membership plugin that will do the following: - Person purchases a membership and gets access to the current month's content, but not previous months content. - As long as they are a member, they get ongoing content that is published each month on the first of the month. - I would want to have a Member's Area or Dashboard where they can view a...

Cross-site Product Chaining - How to connect different Membership Sites - Episode #30!

February 16, 2020 06:57 - 14 minutes - 10.5 MB

You probably already know what is Product Chaining in DAP. With Product Chaining, you can set up rules in DAP to say, if a member buys Product A, also give them access to Product B. This is for 2 products on the same web site. Now imagine doing Product Chaining across two different web sites, each with its own DAP installation. It is basically cross-site product chaining. And this is exactly what you can do using DAP2DAP! You can have users automatically registered on the destination DAP...

How to Verify Email on the Checkout Page and keep your Email List Clean- Episode 29!

February 09, 2020 23:51 - 18 minutes - 13.6 MB

Users mistyping their email address on the checkout page is a big problem for online business owners. As mobile ordering is becoming common, this is becoming a huge problem as people have typos in the email more than ever before. So users complete purchase without realizing that they mistyped their email. After purchase, they look forward to getting started and expect some kind of purchase confirmation or a welcome email but that email never arrives. This obviously results in poor customer e...

Simple Tips to help you troubleshoot all PayPal IPN Issues - Episode #28!

February 02, 2020 23:44 - 18 minutes - 13 MB

Today's episode is all about Paypal Instant Payment notification referred to as IPN. Paypal uses IPN to notify 3rd party systems such as (DAP) when there's a successful subscription payment. It also uses it for several other events such as cancellations, refunds, payment getting suspended, failed payments. IPN is a critical part of subscription automation. If you run a membership site from where you sell subscriptions and offer Paypal as a method of payment on you...

5 Key Membership Site Metrics that you must Track and How To Calculate it - Episode #27!

January 27, 2020 20:23 - 14 minutes - 10.4 MB

I'm the co-founder of (DAP) - a Membership Plugin for Wordpress. The higher is your Average Order Value (AOV), the more revenue you earn per customer. And AOV is just one of the "4 key metrics" you need to calculate before you can even get to CLV for your one-off products.  The CLV calculation for subscription products is a bit different than one-off products. And when you run a membership site from where you offer all sorts of products, you can't apply the same for...

How to calculate Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) for your Subscription Products - Episode #26!

January 20, 2020 03:23 - 15 minutes - 11.2 MB

The Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) is a critical metric as it'll give you insight into how much a customer will spend over the course of their relationship with your business! It'll help you figure out how much you can afford to spend on customer acquisition and customer retention. The calculations are tricky when you have a membership site, and you sell both subscriptions and one-off products. The formula to derive these numbers for one-off products, subscriptions, payment plans, free/paid...

Overview of all the LMS features we have added in our membership plugin - (DAP) - Episode #25!

January 06, 2020 02:08 - 18 minutes - 13.3 MB

In the past 10 years, I've worked with hundreds of membership site users. One of the questions that people often ask us is: "Can I use your membership plugin to deliver my courses or do I also need purchase a LMS?". Membership plugins and LMS have some distinct features and they also have some overlapping features. So my answer used to be... "Use both LMS and a membership plugin as it'll allow you to maximize your profits and scale your business". My answer is different now... We have...

How to build a Podcast Audience using Gamification - Episode #24!

July 28, 2019 00:54 - 6 minutes - 5.75 MB

Are you ready to gamify your Podcast to grow your audience? This is part 2 of a series of episodes on gamification where I've shared 2 simple gaming techniques to build and grow your podcast audience. Gamification's power comes from the fact that it speaks to our most automatic drives such wanting to do well, a gentle nudge to keep pushing, rewards, points, healthy competition, wanting to win, sense of achievement and so on. Take a listen to learn how you can leverage simple gaming te...

The Gamification Project - Engage, Educate & Entertain - Episode #23!

July 22, 2019 21:23 - 6 minutes - 5.35 MB

This is part 1 of a series of episodes on gamification where I will share actionable tricks, tips & strategies that will help you nail gamification in your online business. Gamification is all around us — from marketers who use games to attract consumers to companies that leverage gamification to train employees. Gamification's power comes from the fact that it speaks to our most automatic drives such wanting to do well, a gentle nudge to keep pushing, wanting to win, reward, points, healt...

Giveaways: One Key Strategy to Increase Participation & Engagement - Episode #22!

May 05, 2019 03:00 - 15 minutes - 12.4 MB

In today's marketplace, where it's so hard to stand out from your competition, where you've to have to constantly come up with creative and smart ways to keep your audience engaged, what's that one thing that can help? Gamification! I'll be speaking at this year's podcast movement event in Florida and the topic of my presentation is... "gamification"! It's all about incorporating gaming elements to non-gaming situations to create excitement and increase engagement. And giveaways are a ...

You're just an Order Bump away - Episode #21!

April 21, 2019 20:08 - 28 minutes - 23 MB

Selling online is getting harder and harder. People spend so much time endlessly tweaking the style and design of their websites that they have no time to work on things that actually matter. In this episode, I've shared tips and strategies that are proven to work and are sure to help you increase your revenue by at least 5% - if not more, using Order Bumps! And by the end of this episode, I'm sure you'll agree with me when I say: "You are NOT just a "funnel away. You are just an "Order ...

Launch products faster than you thought possible - Episode #20

April 01, 2019 20:35 - 20 minutes - 17.1 MB

Launch weeks inevitably end up being crazy, stressful times. We tend to give ourselves less time than what we need, and that certainly adds to the stress. As you may know, we recently launched a help desk plugin called DAP Ticket. My kids had their spring break the week before my launch. So we took some time off for a family vacation. We got back home on Monday night and my launch was on Wednesday!  I had just 14 hours to put things together for my launch!  But there was no panic, no s...

How you can Reduce your Membership Site Expenses!

March 03, 2019 22:47 - 22 minutes - 18.4 MB

Say you are starting out. You are not making any money yet. How do you keep your membership site costs low while using a setup that allows you to scale your site easily as your membership site grows? What are the bare minimum things you need to run a membership site? That's exactly the topic of this Membership Site Lab Episode (Episode #19)! Here's what you will learn in this episode: 1. Webhosting Platform Say that you don't want to spend $60-$100 each month on a cloud-based (VPS) ...

A new name and new beginning for my podcast - Episode #18!

January 28, 2019 23:24 - 8 minutes - 6.52 MB

Listen to this podcast to learn: 1. Why I'm re-branding my podcast and what I'm calling it now. 2. The new format of my podcast and how it'll help you. 3. What's the purpose of this podcast. 4. Whether it's a trial offer, ebook, checklists, a video library, an action or execution plan, a lead magnet, an online course, or an ongoing subscription, you can deliver it all from a Membership Site, using a Membership Plugin. Then why do you need a Learning Management System (LMS)? Take a l...

8 Simple Tips to Create a Seamless Login experience for your Members - Episode #17!

May 29, 2018 19:19 - 15 minutes - 12.5 MB

Successful login is key to creating a happy membership experience for your members. If the login stuff is not working right, it's going to frustrate your members more than anything else and they will lose trust in you because they can't access what they were promised when they purchased your product. So making sure that your login process is seamless and problem free, is critical to the success of your membership site. In this episode, I've shared 8 simple tips that will help you create ...

DAP & GDPR: Compliance Checklist for your Membership Site - Episode #16

May 23, 2018 21:55 - 22 minutes - 18.2 MB

The General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR) will have a very big impact on the way marketers store, manage or process the personal data of EU citizens. Be sure to listen to this episode to learn how to make your Membership Site GDPR-Compliant in a few simple and easy steps! Here are the 10 Key Items that I've shared in this Podcast: 1. What are the different options available in DAP to help you get GDPR-complaint. 2. How to deal with existing members that dont have a GDPR status. 3. How...

GDPR Compliance Checklist for SmartPayCart (SPC) users

May 21, 2018 19:13 - 11 minutes - 9.36 MB

The General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR) deadline is 25 May 2018. GDPR will have big impact on the way marketers store, manage or process the personal data of EU citizens. Be sure to listen to this episode to make your Checkout Pages GDPR-Compliant! This episode of DAPCast will help you prepare your Checkout Pages - Powered by - GDPR Compliant, in a few simple and easy steps! Listen to this episode to find out: 1. How to enable GDPR options globally for your SPC site...

How you can Protect your Wordpress Site WITHOUT Spending a Penny - Epsiode #14

April 02, 2018 02:38 - 21 minutes - 15.1 MB

Protecting your website does not have to be an expensive affair! In this episode, I talk about specific plugins that you can download for Free but will provide you with almost the same level of security as some of the paid plugins. Listen to this episode to learn about: * The Key security plugins and options that are available to you for FREE. The goal of this episode is to educate you about the TOP few free and paid security options so you can come to a decision based on your specific n...

Wordfence vs Sucuri Firewall, and the one CRITICAL thing that you MUST Implement - Episode #13!

March 26, 2018 07:51 - 12 minutes - 8.86 MB

WordPress security is about risk reduction, not risk elimination. It's about making it really really hard for hackers to attack your website. This episode of DAPCast is intended to educate you on some basic security tips, techniques and actionable steps that will help to improve your security and reduce the risk of an attack. Listen to this episode to find out: * The key differences between Wordfence and Sucuri's Application Firewall. * What's better and why? * What's that one CRITI...

Challenges that a majority of membership site owners face and the how to overcome them! - Episode #12

February 26, 2018 06:26 - 32 minutes - 26.2 MB

This episode is part-2 of my interview with Torey Lynn where we talk about problems and challenges that a majority of membership site owners face and the best ways to overcome these challenges and build a long lasting membership site! This is not a typcial interview. It's more of a conversation where we talk about a wide variety of membership site topics that will keep you interested till the very end because we talk about problems and challenges that a majority of membership site owners f...

How Torey Lynn increased her conversions by 80% using these Simple Funnel Strategies

February 05, 2018 04:36 - 24 minutes - 19.8 MB

In this episode, Torey Lynn breaks down her sales funnel and describes in detail how every element of her sales funnel is strategically designed to increase her sales and allows her to run her membership site on autopilot. She also talks about all the tools she uses to implement these strategies, how she interacts with her customers and builds a relationship with them, how she uses email marketing to increase her conversions, and how she tracks her numbers and tweaks them to get more of ou...

7 Simple Tips that will help you more done in 2018 - Episode #10

January 14, 2018 21:30 - 19 minutes - 16.3 MB

The big difference between those who succeed and those who fail is as simple as those who succeed talk less and do more. In other words, they take action. They spend time doing things that matter. In this Episode, DAP users Torey Lynn, Jeff Sanders and Molly Martin share their thoughts on the one thing they would do differently in their businesses in 2018. There is a big difference between striving for excellence and striving for perfection. Perfectionism causes stress, perfectionism crush...

How Jeff Sanders uses Learndash and DAP to deliver his Online Courses - Episode #9

December 18, 2017 04:04 - 44 minutes - 35.7 MB

In this DAPCast episode, I talk to DAP user Jeff Sanders about how he leverages the power of DAP and Learndash to sell and deliver his online courses, and to manage his membership site. Jeff talks about how he uses his podcast to bring his target audience to his site, how he converts his podcast listeners into subscribers and how he uses both Learndash (LMS) and DAP (Membership Plugin) to manage and deliver his online course and other products / services. Jeff has a very popular podcast ...

How Nino Alves delivers his online courses using a LMS and a Membership Site - Episode #8

December 07, 2017 06:38 - 36 minutes - 29.2 MB

In this value-packed episode, DAP user - Nino Alves shares everything from how he generates traffic, to how he uses both a LMS and a Membership Plugin to manage and deliver his online courses, to all the components of his sales funnel! Nino from, uses DigitalAccessPass (DAP) as his membership plugin, SmartPayCart (SPC) as his Shopping Cart platform, WPEP as his LMS and Drip as his Email Marketing platform. In this interview, Nino shares how these systems integrate seaml...

LMS vs Membership plugin - Episode #7

November 28, 2017 04:56 - 20 minutes - 16.7 MB

A Learning Management System is a key component of a Membership Site but a Membership Site can do a LOT MORE than just Online Course Delivery. Even if your goal is to just Create, Secure, Sell and Deliver an Online Course, the benefit of using a Membership Site is that you can scale it later to secure and deliver all types of content, and not just something that's packaged as an online course. Whether it's a Trial Offer, Ebook, Checklists, a Video Library, an Action or Execution plan, a ...

Special Episode: News & Announcements - Episode #6

November 16, 2017 06:07 - 10 minutes - 9.05 MB

I'm trying out a new format for DAPCast starting this episode. I'm introducing new segments to make every show even more valuable for you. 1. News & Announcements - I'll share the latest from the world of DAP and SPC. This way you'll get a quick update on what's new and what's coming soon. 2. Actionable Tips & Stratgies and Interviews - This will be the core segment where I'll share actionable tip & strategies to help you with your membership site or an interview with other membership s...

10 Steps to Creating a Membership Site Plan: Part 2 - Episode #5

November 09, 2017 02:31 - 24 minutes - 20.1 MB

Membership Site Planning is basically a visualization of what you need to produce, in terms of content and products, and what you to need to provide, in terms of services and community, in order help your members get from their start to their end state in a step-by-step way. In this episode, I've shared 10 Steps that will help you with your Membership Site Planning. As membership site owners, we're basically problem solvers with the goal of helping people get to their desired destination...

Membership Site Planning: Part 1 - Episode #4

October 31, 2017 20:01 - 13 minutes - 10.9 MB

This mini-series on membership site planning is really good as I'm going to start with the basic concepts but by the end of this mini-series, you should have a lot more clarity how to structure and organize things in your membership site, and also the order in which you should release things to maximize the profits from your membership site. My goal is to help you launch your membership site, without getting overwhelmed or stressed out, with proper planning and execution. A profitable memb...

Part 2: The Top 7 Membership Site Myths - Episode #3

October 26, 2017 02:22 - 18 minutes - 15 MB

It's definitely daunting to think that you have to continually create fresh content to justify what you charge for your recurring membership and as a result those that want to start a membership site are so overwhelmed with the amount of work and commitment that's involved in creating and running a membership site, they end up not even starting one. A membership site is multi-dimensional. If your product does not naturally lend itself to an ongoing recurring model, then just don't use that...

Introduction to Membership Sites - Episode #1

October 22, 2017 20:14 - 12 minutes - 10.2 MB

As this is the very first episode of DAP Cast, I'm going to introduce you to membership sites and some of the basic concepts.   One of the biggest membership site myths is that you only need a membership site to sell recurring products or services. Not true. You can use your membership site as a lead magnet, where people give you their name and email in order to become a member and access your protected content. Recurring income from your membership site will make it easier to grow your ...

Part 1: The Top 7 Membership Site Myths - Episode #2

October 22, 2017 20:07 - 13 minutes - 11.1 MB

There are many membership site misconceptions caused by misleading and incorrect information out there about membership sites that prevents people from starting a membership site as they believe they need to keep coming up with new/fresh content to keep their membership site going. And these misconceptions also affects those that have a membership site, from letting it grow to it's full potential because they set unrealistic goals and have wrong expectations from their membership site. A...