Selling online is getting harder and harder. People spend so much time endlessly tweaking the style and design of their websites that they have no time to work on things that actually matter.

In this episode, I've shared tips and strategies that are proven to work and are sure to help you increase your revenue by at least 5% - if not more, using Order Bumps! And by the end of this episode, I'm sure you'll agree with me when I say:

"You are NOT just a "funnel away. You are just an "Order Bump" away!"

Here are some things to keep in mind as you design your bump offer.
=> People are willing to pay for convenience (a product or service that allows them to do things faster and saves them time, money and effort. For e.g, installation, setup, 30 min consultation, DFY, etc).

=> Impulse purchase - something they want and need, and with a great discount, you make it a no-brainer, impulse buy.

Take a listen to the full episode as no one has shared order bump strategies and secrets the way I have done it in this episode of "Membership Site Lab"!

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