Say you are starting out. You are not making any money yet.
How do you keep your membership site costs low while using a setup that allows you to scale your site easily as your membership site grows? What are the bare minimum things you need to run a membership site?

That's exactly the topic of this Membership Site Lab Episode (Episode #19)!

Here's what you will learn in this episode:

1. Webhosting Platform

Say that you don't want to spend $60-$100 each month on a cloud-based (VPS) hosting. Can you go with a shared hosting plan for your membership site? What are the potential problems with a shared hosting account that you need to be aware of and the best ways to address them?

2. Wordpress themes
What happens if I start with one theme but decide to change it later? What themes do you recommend and why?

3. Email Platform

Do I need an email platform or can I send emails through a membership plugin like DAP? What are the pros and cons of using DAP to create and send out emails to your subscribers vs a full-fledged ESP like Aweber, ActiveCampaign, ConvertKit etc?

4. Is an LMS a must-have if I want to offer online courses or can I do it using DAP? What are the pros and cons of using an LMS vs just a membership plugin like DAP for my online courses?

5. What are my options for a scalable and robust membership plugin? What do you recommend?

Not a good question to ask me :-).
My answer is always - DAP, DAP and DAP :-).

6. Shopping Cart Platform

You've a membership site.
You want to sell products.
You want to accept payments.
You want to give your users an option to pay using Paypal or pay using their credit card. You want to give users access to your products when the payment is complete. You want to automate the whole process.

But you're just starting out and don't want to spend a ton of money on a cart platform.

What are your options?

7. Forum / Community software

What do you recommend? When should you add a forum to your membership site?

8. Audio, Video, PDF and other files

How do you store, protect and deliver these files from your membership site?

This is a great episode for all membership site users - regardless of whether you are just starting out or have an established membership site.

And don't forget to share with your friends and followers and subscribe to this show. Look for "Membership Site Lab" in your favorite podcast app and hit subscribe!