Today's episode is all about Paypal Instant Payment notification referred to as IPN.

Paypal uses IPN to notify 3rd party systems such as (DAP) when there's a successful subscription payment. It also uses it for several other events such as cancellations, refunds, payment getting suspended, failed payments.

IPN is a critical part of subscription automation.

If you run a membership site from where you sell subscriptions and offer Paypal as a method of payment on your site, you've probably run into IPN challenges from time to time.

Problem #1: Users say they made the payment. You try to find the user by the name and by their email, but nothing shows up in Paypal.

Problem #2: You can see that users have made the payment but they didn't get access to the membership product in your membership site. If membership automation worked as expected, access to membership should get unlocked automatically but sometimes even though subscription / recurring payment is successful in paypal, it does not connect with your membership platform, and as a result, users prematurely lose access to the product, resulting in upset and frustrated customers.

When this happens, how do you figure out the root cause? PayPal definitely does NOT make it easy to troubleshoot IPN issues.

So in this episode, I've broken down the solution to this problem in simple, easy steps that will certainly save you time and effort while dealing with PayPal IPN challenges.

Episode Link: