Next Episode: 1, 2, 3...Here comes ME!

Meditation is the new “it” thing. Less stress sounds good. Your doctor recommends it. You’re sold. Now, where to start? The Buddhist’s temple? Eek…intimidating. A meditation class at your yoga studio? It’s an hour long! A book by a monk? They’re so hardcore. Maybe you could just try this on your own…why not? Fifteen seconds into it you think, “Am I doing this right?” Ten seconds later, you’re bored. So, you try “gently bring your attention back to the breath,” but you just can’t clear your head. You wonder if your legs are supposed to be crossed and if you left wet clothes in washer. Finally, your eyes pop open and you wonder, “Meditation…WTF?”
It's time to start reaping all the benefits that meditation can bring to you so today, we simply get started and actually meditate together. No elusiveness, no dogma, no nothing but a short and simple practice to get you moving.
After this episode, you will actually BE a meditator and well on your way to making meditation a life-long healthy habit that lasts, simply and forever.
You deserve this...believe's time. ❤️