Many people are unable to achieve their wants and desires because they have deeply ingrained belief systems that what they want is unavailable to them. When people believe that freedom, peace, joy, abundance, success, wealth, health, love or whatever else they want is unavailable, then they will not attract those things in their lives. We must be in alignment with our truth in order to manifest all that we desire. Just having wishful thinking will not get you there. You must be aware of your limiting belief systems and then reprogram your mind in order to be in alignment to live your best life. That is why it is so important when we say, “To Thy Own Self Be True.”

“The painful stories of our past aren’t just there to make us feel sad or angry or repressed; they are there to take us deeper and uncover a bigger part of ourselves. When you give that pain the space and attention it needs, you keep drilling deeper and eventually it will lead you to an entirely new perspective and the ability to connect to what you are on a new level.” ~ Kyle Cease 

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Episode 22