Do you typically follow the path of least resistance or do you play it safe and stay comfortable? Do you like to take risks and “rock the boat” or do you prefer predictability and safety? Tia and Kim talk about their experiences of stepping outside the box and times when they did not, because fear held them back. In order to grow we must step outside of our comfort zone and find the courage to push past the fear in order to grow. Often times what holds us back from pushing ourselves to our edge is our limiting beliefs that were imprinted in childhood. These belief systems hold us back without us even being aware of it. We might believe we are ok in our comfort zones but in reality we are not content. It's time to get uncomfortable! 

“The comfort zone is a psychological state in which one feels familiar, safe, at ease, and secure. If you always do what is easy and choose the path of least resistance, you never step outside your comfort zone. Great things don’t come from comfort zones.” ~  Roy T. Bennett

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Tia Fagan


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Kim Gross


Facebook: @unlockyourmindhypnotherapy

Email: [email protected]

Episode 21