Eva Gruber is a Habit Coach and Mental Fitness Advocate. She supports entrepreneurs, managers, and teams who “have too much on their plate” to improve their peak performance, wellbeing, and relationships through a mental fitness practice and good habits. She lives in Vienna/Austria with her French fiance, her yoga mat, and an adventurer’s mind.

What this Episode is about

Eva talks about our mental saboteurs, which we all have to some degree or another. They include -

Controller, Judge Procrastinator Victim Hyper achiever Hyperrational Pleaser Avoider

As you can imagine they can have a negative effect on our behaviours and beliefs. Eva talks in this episode about two of these. The Judge and Pleaser and how they can sabotage us. But as Eva explains we also have the Sage Powers who can help us combat those saboteurs. Listen in to learn more.


Eva Gruber


Eva Gruber is a Habit Coach and Mental Fitness Advocate. She supports entrepreneurs, managers, and teams who “have too much on their plate” to improve their peak performance, wellbeing, and relationships. How?

By establishing a strong mental fitness practice (through discovering one's mental self-sabotage caused by mental saboteurs like the Hyper-Achiever, Controller, Pleaser, Avoider, etc.). By creating supportive routines, stopping bad habits, and starting good ones.

As only 1 out of 5 people use their mental potential and 6+ hours of one's day are based on mostly unconscious habits, this is a game-changer! By training 3 brain muscles and good habits, you

improve peak performance especially when stressed, angry, or insecure, live healthier relationships with your team, clients, and family, and feel happier.

Eva Gruber founded 2 ventures and supported hundreds of challenged people. She is trained by and collaborates with leading researchers and experts, like Professor BJ Fogg PhD (Stanford University) or neuroscientist Shirzad Chamine (Positive Intelligence). She has been featured as a speaker at entrepreneurship or wellbeing events and podcasts, as a co-author of soon-to-be-launched books, and as an executive contributor for the top-magazine Brainz. She lives in Vienna/Austria with her French fiance, her yoga mat, and an adventurer’s mind.   



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Wendy is a Psychotherapist, Coach, Public Speaker, and Author. She helps people who are stuck either in their personal, professional or relationships, get to the root of the problem which is holding them back, let go - and move forward into a happier more successful life. 

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