Michelle Anhang, BA, PCC, CPCC, is a Certified Life Coach who specializes in supporting individuals and families living with mental health challenges as well as those moving forward after loss.  In addition to coaching, Michelle is a motivational speaker who shares her story of becoming widowed at the age of 34 when her husband died by suicide, and how she navigated her way through stigma, shame, and her own mental health challenges to rebuild her life intentionally.


A warm and confident woman, Michelle shares with me how at 34 years old, she suddenly found herself widowed after her husband died by suicide, leaving her to raise her two young sons alone. The family, having hidden his mental illness, chose to say he died in an accident to avoid dealing with the stigma and shame. Carrying this secret for over 10 years impacted Michelle’s own mental and physical health until she could no longer take the pain. As well as sharing her story she offers, coping strategies that helped her, in her quest to offer support to others in her unenviable position.


Michelle Anhang, BA, PCC, CPCC, is a Certified Life Coach who specializes in supporting individuals and families living with mental health challenges as well as those moving forward after loss.  In addition to coaching, Michelle is a motivational speaker who shares her story of becoming widowed at the age of 34 when her husband died by suicide, and how she navigated her way through stigma, shame, and her own mental health challenges to rebuild her life intentionally.

Michelle speaks about her journey through healing the trauma and realizing her life purpose. She now shares her inspiring story and supports others who are living with similar experiences to find their personal freedom.  


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Wendy is a Psychotherapist, Coach, Public Speaker, and Author. She helps people who are stuck either in their personal, professional or relationships, get to the root of the problem which is holding them back, let go - and move forward into a happier more successful life. 

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