Standing for something. Standing for what you believe. We all need to take a stand for what we believe is right or true. It’s not easy, but it’s necessary and that’s what we are exploring on  today's episode. 

I have been shy to stand my ground and to speak up about a lot of things that mean a lot to me. In the last episode, I opened up about some of those things and I want to expand upon that here today. My hope is that this will resonate with you and will inspire you to also put your stake in the ground and stand up for what you believe. I believe we should be able to talk about it even if it’s hard and that there should be respect for each other regardless of opposing opinions. We don't need to sit in the background because we aren't the loudest or because we don't have the same thoughts, beliefs, and actions as everyone.  

I'd love to know your biggest takeaway after listening today. Send me a DM on IG @livingjoyfulandwell 

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