After having a conversation with an amazing new friend yesterday I decided to rant (with no notes or actual outline, so it's messy and a little all over the place) about some things that I have been hesitant to put out there. I am one of those people to sit on the sidelines and listen, learn, and observe things and internalize it all because I don't know exactly who I can talk with about certain things. I will typically only talk with those that I am certain won't blast me for my opinions and I hold it in when I feel threatened or feel alone. I am the last person to ever want to be confrontational or to make anyone feel uncomfortable, but why does that mean that I can't express my opinion or talk about somethingĀ  if my thoughts may or may not follow the popular narrative? I believe we are ALL entitled to our opinions and we do not have to agree or feel the same- geez, how boring would that be?! We should not be shamed or bullied or coerced into something when our thinking is different than someone else's. Today I let it out about some of those things and maybe you will be inspired to be more brave in what you talk about out there as well.

I am not for everyone- you are not for everyone and that's ok! I talked about this in a past episode so take what I have to say today for what it is and if you don't resonate with me and what I have to say, then that's ok. You do you. I want to attract and be surrounded by people that relate to what I have to say, can challenge me in positive ways, and can have discussions without judgement or anger and disdain. Having an opinion that may not be the same as mine or someone else's is ok, but it doesn't give anyone the right to tell me or anyone else that we are wrong or should stay quiet. Nobody should be hushed. We can all learn from each other- differences and all.

I'd love to know your biggest takeaway after listening today. Send me a DM on IG @livingjoyfulandwell

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