Today I have 9 ways to boost our well-being as Moms (or anyone really), but since my focus is on Moms, these are my thoughts for us!

1. Get Sick- say what?!
2. Physical Touch- hugs, kisses
3. Exercise/Move Your Body
4. Eat/Drink well
5. Get Outside
6. Sleep
7. Meditation/Prayer/Silence
8. Pets
BONUS... listen in to hear the bonus boost!

Even if you only adopt one of these little things, your life will be improved and your health and well-being will thank you! We cannot control everything with regards to our health, but we can certainly do things to the best of our ability to be proactive with our and our kiddo's health! Teach them young, teach them well- they are our future! Stay Strong, Stay Well, Mama! 

Do you have any thoughts, tips, strategies to contribute? Any words of well-being wisdom for us? I’d love to know- send me a DM on IG @livingjoyfulandwell 

Also… Join the ‘Smiling Through The Chaos’ Movement- come along on the ride and let's THRIVE in this crazy Motherhood journey! 

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