The previous Podcast dealt with vision and where you want to take your organization.  The best strategic decision to realize your vision is investing in the right people. 

Some business metaphors makes sense and Scott and Shandel use Jim Collins example of “the bus” to describe getting the right people into your company. 

The bus is heading somewhere. The future destination for your organization is what you envision. It takes vision to remain relevant in this fast changing market. The bus ride to your future will be realized by the quality of people you’ve invited on the bus. Without the right people you won’t be able to experience the culture you always dreamed. 

Without the right people you won’t be able to get the map out and plot destination points to measure your success. Because your success will be measured by the amount of delight you experience enjoying the ride. So, invite the right people and you'll have the best ride ever. Everything else will take care of itself as long as you have the right people, and they’re in the right seat. 

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