Vision is the number one key accountability for any top leader. The job of the CEO, business owner, and that includes you, the Dentist is to get everyone in the organization aligned with the vision for the future of your business.

In this episode you will hear what you need to know about why vision for your business is so essential and vital to the health and relevancy of your future.

 "What is vision?"  You will learn in this episode that Vision involves a picture of what you see for your company’s future.

When Scott finally got serious about a vision for his dental practice he kept in mind his dental practice clarity pieces:
The purpose which is “we genuinely care”;
The values: “we always do the right thing, we respect each other deeply, we play as a team”;
The  mission which is, "to assist our patients in achieving oral health”.
Then he clarified the vision.

Furthermore, the vision he had for his dental practice involved having an amazing culture, a warm friendly environment of super hard working people who love what they do and have fun doing it.

These ideas combine to formulate a vision that he believed they could aspire to as they progress into the future.

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