So, what is a strategic plan? It’s the approach you take to accomplish your vision.  If your target is synonymous with your vision, and you want to hit that target, you must decide on a strategy that will enable you to be successful in hitting that target. One of the main reasons most businesses don’t reach their potential is either a lack of clear vision or a lack of strategic planning in order to successfully reach that vision.

Some organizations vision may be a Big Hairy Audacious Goal the BHAG. These goals may seem extreme, but they keep you striving. Whatever the vision you must have a strategic plan to get there. If you don’t plan you won’t get there.

In my dental practice I had a BHAG for a vision. I had observed that some of my patients kept having dental problems every time they came in to see me. I realized that maybe I could do something different in order to help them have better check ups. This led to identifying my ideal patient and how I could get other patients to join them. Simply put my vision is to keep my patients out of my treatment room.  This may sound like a bad business model but to me it makes sense. First, I care about my patients and I want better oral health for them.

So, in order to move the bus toward the BHAG you need to have a strategic plan. This Podcast is a simple way of understanding why your organizations vision is so important and it must accompany a plan to hit the target you set your sights on.

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