As Latina Physicians we are really good at giving and making sure everyone around us is taken care of. How good are you at receiving and asking for help when you need it? It is a practice and you can get better at it! Ask yourself where could you be receiving more in your life. 

I also have a surprise guest on today's podcast! Dr. Nora Vasquez is a dear friend and fellow coach focused on preventing burnout for other physicians. She is launching her own group coaching program and it starts October 20th! To find out more, visit: 
Group Coaching Program

Dr. Nora Vásquez is a Certified Physician Coach, the founder of Renew Your Mind MD and a Board-Certified Internal Medicine Physician with over a decade of leadership experience.  She uses high performance coaching to help doctors create an empowered mindset to better manage the stress of practicing modern medicine. She lectures and coaches at hospitals and medical organizations nationally on overcoming burnout, imposter syndrome, perfectionism, time management and leadership mindset.  Her mission is to “Heal the Healers” and to empower clients to create the clarity, peace and blueprint to thrive.

Email: [email protected]