#034 The 34th episode of Kickass Every Day talks about what you can do when life gets in the way of your dreams. If you are like most people, I’m sure at some point you had a dream or two or ten for yourself and for whatever reason, you just weren’t able to make them happen. Quite often it is because everyday life just gets in the way or at least delays your chances of making your dreams come to fruition.

By sitting down and really analyzing what occurred for me during times when I was actually able to fulfill my dreams, after life getting in the way of them,  there was a consistent process that emerged. 

 So the goal of this episode is to offer you a process that helps you to move forward in pursuing your dreams when life throws up a roadblock or two.

 We will talk about- Why the strength of your dream matters, my 5 step process to help you move forward, the most important thing in making your dreams come true, your creative partner

Dreams are what make our world so amazing. They are what continually expand the universe and our experiences in it. When you pursue and fulfill your dreams, the feelings of satisfaction, gratitude and pure joy that you experience are unmatched. So never stop dreaming. Never stop envisioning a grander version of yourself and never stop wanting to make this world the best it can be.

Continue with me on this journey and subscribe! Also, invite your friends to join the conversation as well so they can be a part of the fun. Let’s inspire and grow with each other. 

Be sure to check out my latest episode of the Kickass Every Day TV show where I go into greater detail and explanation about the Law of Detachment and its amazing influence in my life. You can find it on my YouTube channel and on my website.

If you would like to get the show notes for this episode, head on over to: