#033 The 33rd episode of Kickass Every Day explores the topic of influence and its role in our lives. I do this by asking and answering the question- “who has influenced you and why?” I think it is important to note that influence is very different from inspire.

Influence refers to the capacity to have an effect on the character, development or behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself. Where inspire refers to someone filling you with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially something creative.

So the goal of this episode is to help you to discover why certain people in your life have had an influence on you.

We will also talk about- Short term influence vs long term influence, direct vs indirect influence, how being influenced, really is a choice, the person who has influenced me the most and why influence is so important.

Influence can be powerful for both the influencer and the influencee this is why it is so important to arm your kids with those critical thinking skills we talked about in episode 31. Also its important to think about how our words and actions may be affecting someone else. Always try to make them as positive as possible and as empowering to the receiver as possible.

Continue with me on this journey and subscribe! Also, invite your friends to join the conversation as well so they can be a part of the fun. Let’s inspire and grow with each other. 

Be sure to check out my latest episode of the Kickass Every Day TV show for the personal development book that has had the greatest influence on me. You can find it on my YouTube channel and on my website.

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