#035 The 35th episode of Kickass Every Day explores why staying focused in life can be so difficult. It is so easy to start of with such enthusiasm for a new project whether that be a craft or building project, starting a business, changing careers or even learning a new skill. Only to find yourself a short time later being unable to focus on it and eventually giving up on finishing it.

In this week’s podcast we turn the focus inward and help identify some of the reasons we get distracted and in our own way of completing projects that we embark on.

So the goal of this episode is to highlight some reasons why we struggle to stay focused and allow ourselves to get in the way and to offer some solutions.

We will talk about- How our mental focus is challenged daily, 4 things that can easily derail your focus, the one important ingredient every successful project must have, how personal development can help us stay focused
Staying focused in a world full of so many distractions isn’t easy but it can be accomplished. I have found that knowing what to look out for ahead of starting a new project and putting some basic plans in place to help me when those distractions do show up has made all the difference. It will give you an advantage and much better chance of completing your next project.

Continue with me on this journey and subscribe! Also, invite your friends to join the conversation as well so they can be a part of the fun. Let’s inspire and grow with each other.

Be sure to check out my latest episode of the Kickass Every Day TV show where we talk all about shiny object syndrome and how you can defeat it!  You can find it on my YouTube channel and on my website.