Episode 91  I’m BAAACK! It’s been 5 months since my last podcast episode, but I’m back and ready to roll. This episode is all about the importance of being true to yourself. This is exactly what I have been working on since my last episode. 


You might think that after 30 years of studying and practicing personal development, I would have this life thing pretty well figured out. Now while that may be true with some things, even I am bound to encounter a few obstacles along the way! But it’s precisely because of personal development that I’m able to recognize when things are off for me and make the necessary changes.


In this episode we talk about:   -Where I’ve been and what I’ve been doing the last few months, How to recognize when you're not being true to yourself, and a few ways to turn things around when this happens.


Being true to yourself is essential for your happiness and well-being. Trying to effort your way through things just to please others and not trusting in what you want will never work out and leave you completely frustrated with your life. Take the time to look inward, follow your spirit's lead and let your light shine the way it’s meant to.


Want to explore more ways to be your best? Then let’s have a conversation about that and help you have a breakthrough year. Email me at mailto:[email protected] or DM me @tanyahtringali.