Episode 92 Do you allow yourself to think BIG and let your creativity run wild? I hope you answer yes to that!! And if not my hope is this episode will help you give yourself permission to do so. Your creativity is absolutely your superpower When you learn to see it as that and really exercise that power, you will truly be living a creative life. A life that you design. One that pleases you and allows you to be your absolute best.


Stepping into your creative power is as easy as breathing because we are designed to be creators. This is what sets the human race apart from all other living things creatures. We are not here to play small. And when you make the choice to be all in and play full out every day you will finally be living the life you are meant to.


In this episode we talk about:   -Elizabeth Gilbert’s book Big Magic, being a deliberate creator, a few ways to inspire & ignite your creativity, and lots of other things!


After listening to this episode I hope you embrace creative living. That you look at your creativity a little differently. That you own it, live it, and absolutely LOVE IT. That you incorporate into everything you do and the magnificent person you are becoming.


Want to explore more ways to be your best? Then let’s have a conversation about that and help you have a breakthrough year. Email me at mailto:[email protected] or DM me @tanyahtringali.