Episode 90  features my interview with FIRE coach Wendy Verwey. In case you’re wondering what FIRE stands for it is- financial independence, retire early. And as I said in this episode- I love that! Wendy was able to retire at the age of 41 while being a single mom and she now uses her time to help others, especially single moms, learn to do the same thing. She took what she calls her ‘country song year’ and used that to inspire and motivate herself to create the life that she envisioned.


Wendy’s practical way of approaching money and your finances is one of the things that I love about her. She breaks everything down in simple to understand terms and takes away the intimidation factor that many feel when talking about investing and money. As you know money is one of the topics I have focused on since starting this podcast and that’s why I was so happy to have Wendy on and give a different approach and viewpoint to the topic. Her insight into your true hourly wage is eye-opening in and of itself and that is just the tip of the iceberg of what she offers to those willing to listen and work with her.


In this episode we talk about:   -Wendy’s story of financial independence and early retirement,  Your true hourly wage,  And so much more!


I highly encourage you to check out Wendy’s website for some great resources and her True Hourly Wage Calculator. You can find all of the links in the show notes. She is such a great teacher and I can’t thank her enough for coming on the show. I hope you will be inspired to take control of your finances and financial freedom. As Wendy and I have both said- money is a tool and we want you to use it to your advantage.


Do you want to be in more control of your finances? Then let’s have a conversation about that and turn it around. Email me at mailto:[email protected] or DM me @tanyahtringali. 


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