Episode 67 dives into the 5 FIXABLE mistakes people often make when using personal development. In this episode not only do I share these 5 mistakes, but I also give you some ways to fix and better yet avoid them if you can! I cannot believe that the Christmas holiday is upon us this week!! So crazy to me. It is truly my favorite time of year and I hope that you will all catch a wave of the Christmas magic that is in the air. The Christmas spirit is for everyone, not just Christians. After all, Jesus was, is, and always will be for everyone.

All right, onto this week’s episode. The 5 mistakes that I talk about aren’t the only mistakes, they are just the top 5. I have made several of them and have seen many other people over the years make them as well. The personal development journey is so rewarding, but the problem is these 5 mistakes can sabotage that journey early on leaving the individual feeling frustrated and that it doesn’t work. Well, I am done with that and always want you to feel empowered by personal development not defeated by it. 

You will learn:  The top 5 mistakes, a few ways to fix them and avoid them, some things that I have created to help you along your journey 

When I say that I love personal development so much, that is an understatement. This is why I have made it my life’s purpose to teach it to others. To teach others how to use it, to make the industry better and better, and to continue to be excited by the magic of it every day. I am like Harry Potter in every movie when he has this moment of being continually amazed by magic. That is what I want for all of you.

Continue with me on this journey and subscribe! Also, invite your friends to join the conversation as well so they can be a part of the fun. Let’s inspire and grow with each other. 

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