Episode 66 is all about the importance of keeping promises to yourself and some ways to do this. So excited to be back with a new episode after taking a few weeks off to work on some other projects. Ahhh promises. They are so easy to make and a real challenge to keep at times, especially the ones we make to ourselves. Reason being? We don’t want to let others down! We don’t want to cause disappointment for another but think that disappointing ourselves is not such a big deal.  

This kind of thinking is flawed. If we keep disappointing ourselves and treating ourselves, our dreams, and our goals less than we would treat another’s, how can we possibly hope to show up as our best. To give our best to others.

You will learn:  -The consequences of breaking promises to yourself, the benefits of keeping those promises, some ways of helping you to keep those promises, when you might need to break a promise to yourself

I read somewhere recently that ‘promise is a big word, it either makes something or breaks everything.’ Wow, when you think of it that way, you can really feel the power of a promise. So it’s not hard to imagine what consistently breaking them to ourselves does. It leaves us feeling stuck in inertia and that affects our self-confidence and self-esteem. So we really want to avoid this as much as possible. Take the promises you make to yourself as seriously as those you make to others.

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