Episode 68 highlights some great ways to be able to take all of the positive energy associated with a new year and carry that through the next 12 months. The start of a new year is magical and has very unique energy associated with it. That’s why you want to take full advantage of that and not let this one time of year go to waste.

Happy New Year!! I just love New Year’s for many reasons. But most of all because it represents a fresh start and a new beginning. It represents the passage of time, excitement of what’s to come, reflection of what’s past, renewed hope, relief for some, and regrets for others. It’s the one holiday that we all celebrate together and the fact that it unites us all is what makes it so special.

You will learn:  A few ways to help you capture the new year energy and carry it with you, some encouraging words regarding goals and how to approach them, lots of energy and positive vibes to encourage and inspire you to make the most of this time

As we make our way through this next year together, my hope for you is that you make the most of every single day you are given. That you never stop reaching for the best version of yourself that you can be. Life is meant to be fun and full of love, so treat each day like the precious gift that it is with a sense of adventure and excitement.

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