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Two minutes into the podcast and we're in trouble! Good thing we know a guy who is a master editor.

Now on to the podcast...

There is a reason why we don't sell supplements.

They don't work! There is no way we are going to recommend a product that does absolutely nothing except lighten your wallet. 

There are some we recommend, including:

Full-spectrum multivitamin Omega 3s (fish oil) Protein powderCreatine monohydrateMagnesium

Occasionally you may need to add a Vitamin D, or B12, but you should have a blood test done to see if you are deficient.

If you are on a blood thinner you need to be extra cautious.  Many supplements can mess with the effectiveness of blood thinners, statins and birth control.

Greens, pre-workout and post-workout supplements and 85% of what is sold in supplements stores are a waste of money.

Health and nutrition sites we recommend:

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