All the description of the podcast and photos of a sand play session at:

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Do you remember the time when you were a child and played with the sand? I loved it… I think I can even say I still love it. Maybe that’s why I felt so excited when I found out that playing the sand is one of the therapeutic methods! And it is not only about having fun or becoming relaxed. Sand therapy is a very deep symbolic work based on Jungian psychology. Today I have the honor to introduce Jana Vysoudilová to you, a therapist with a broad experience who agreed to presents sand play therapy to us.


Sand play therapy is a Jungian therapeutic method working with symbols in a sand tray. The symbols represent the objects that we are surrounded by in our reality, for example, people, animals, trees. The number of symbols is not limited or prescribed, it depends on the process of a client, his deep impulses.

A founder of sand play is Dora Kalff, a jungian therapist. She based this method on the Depth Psychology of C.G. Jung and the “World Technique” originated by Margaret Lowenfeld. Lowenfeld was an innovative pediatrician and a founder of one of the first psychological clinics for children in England. She created the tools that Sandplay Therapy adapted – the tray filled with sand and miniatures that represent inner psychological contents. Firstly it was used to work with children in her clinics, but later it was proved to be valuable also for the adult clients.


During sand play therapy a client creates an image in the sand that activates deep unconscious levels of the psyche. It can be used in a diagnostic or therapeutic way. The sand play result makes the client aware of their unconscious patterns, and the process of creation is a way to restore a new better state of being. The great advantage of this method is that there is no space for resistance in a client because the form of this therapy is just playing!

All the description of the podcast and photos of a sand play session at:

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