All the transcription of the podcast is available at

Register for free webinars here:

I would like to invite you for free webinars where I share my life experience and support you on your way to live easier and happier. The meetings are called ‘Coffee with Kasia’ and they are dedicated to women ❤️. We meet every week online. By we, I mean a group of amazing women who look for solutions to have less stress and more joy. You are very welcome to join, and when you do it, you get an every week video with my sharing, a word about psychology science connected to the topic, and coaching work I am inviting you to do. You can text me if you want to share your experience or you have questions. And you can also take part in a discussion in our group on Facebook. All you need to do to be a part of this is to register at

‘Coffee with Kasia’ is like a free of charge coaching session in a webinar form. The idea of the meetings is to create a community of women who look for ways to live easier and happier, support each other on the journey there, and change their mindsets and lives 🎈. Because we all live in different timezones, I invite you to a Facebook group, and every week I share a video with you. If you can’t attend the meeting online, you can watch it anytime. Before you join the session, prepare a drink for yourself, a coffee, or a nice tea because it is like a meeting with friends who talk about important issues, and inspire each other. Our life experience is universal and all of us have an inner wisdom that values. Let’s take it out and heal ❤️! To be a part of it you just need to register at You do it one time, and you get access to every week’s meetings! The registration is required for the safety of all the participants.

During every week Coffee with Kasia, you watch a video where:
👉 I share my life experience with you
👉 there is a theoretical part based on psychology science
👉 you got homework, like questions to answer or a task to do
👉 you can ask me questions by texting
👉 after every meeting, you receive a link to the video (if you didn’t attend the live meeting, you can watch it later), a summary, and the homework material
👉 you become a member of a group on Facebook where women share their experience and discuss the topic

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