In today's episodette:

Join Rhoda today as she discusses the topic of  'Just 5 Things God Speaks', exploring the themes of: feelings versus hearings, speaking out loud and experiences, signs, alignments, and godly hour, present moment drop in pings  and how we have more faith ignoring than exploring - muscle flex hygiene. 

Whilst emphasising the importance of tuning into our feelings and intuition as a way to connect with God and Spirit, Rhoda shares personal experiences where she followed her intuition and received divine guidance and highlights the significance of signs and synchronicities in our lives and how they can serve as messages from the universe. 

Overall, the episode encourages listeners to trust their inner guidance and embrace the co-creation between themselves and the divine. 


Tuning into our feelings and intuition is a powerful way to connect with God and Spirit.Following our intuition can lead to profound experiences and divine guidance.Signs and synchronicities in our lives can serve as messages from the universe.Embracing the co-creation between ourselves and the divine can bring joy and fulfillment.Trusting our inner guidance is essential in navigating our spiritual journey. Balancing energy within the body leads to better sleep and the ability to take action on thoughts and feelings.Procrastination is a result of not stepping into the creation process and can lead to energy hangovers.Being present in the moment allows for drop-in moments of inspiration and creativity.Manifestation is about aligning with what already exists in another dimension or frequency.Having faith in oneself and exploring the unknown can lead to freedom and a deeper connection with something greater.Ignoring instincts and not having faith can lead to pain and a feeling of being lost.

Grab a cuppa, get comfy
Energetics wishes
Just Rhoda

P.S Let us know your thoughts on this episode @just5Things_Podcast