As many of you know I have been involved with the network marketing Industry for the past 21 years. I was introduced to Shaklee when I  was looking for help for my son who struggled to be an energetic young boy. The products improve our health and I as intrigued by the science of the company and the products that we were using. 

I learned that I could use my desire to help others by partnering with this company of Shaklee and I did. The business has served me so well during this time. 

There has been so much conversation about the top trends now and all 3 of them are what Shaklee is a part of. 

Wellness, E-commerce and the side gig economy. 

I share my tips of things I've learned over the past 21 years but also share who I love to work with and coach along the way. 

You will hear 4-5 tips and also why nurses and teachers and those who have been in another direct selling are a very good fit for this business. 

If you are interested in hearing more, please connect with you and find time on my calendar here.  

If you of someone who might be interested in this episode, please share this with them. They will thank you and I will too. 


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Like what you hear about Shaklee products? 

Find it here on my website 

Book some time on my calendar for a Discovery Call Here.

Have a story to share? 

I'd love to feature you as a guest on my podcast. 

Click through this link and find the application and schedule 

Let's keep sharing the great word of recovery and wellness