Lucy and I connect today about how she has connected with others and share so much to help others live their best life.

Lucy Forsting is a mostly retired psychotherapist who hosts a Synergy connection show, 

Mindful living is identified  by 4 legs. 

* Intellectual


* Emotional

* Physical

In our relationships with others we can work on filling those legs and having balance. 

We have a wonderful conversation about so many things energy, spiritual, relationships and more. 

She mentions Dr. Bruce LIpton : An American developmental biologist notable for his views on epigenetics. In his book The Biology of Belief, he claims that beliefs control human biology rather than DNA and inheritance.


The Synergy Connection Show is a podcast of integrated wisdom provided by experts in their field. The topics are varied and cover such areas as health & wellness, mindfulness, self-discovery and spiritual awakening. It is a synergistic meeting of the minds for today's world. 

She also wrote a book called The Adventures of Miss Twiggs and you can find it here. 


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Let's keep sharing the great word of recovery and wellness