Previous Episode: Enough-ism

What is the upper limit problem that is holding you back and keeping you from the next level? This is something I read about when I recently re-read The Big Leap, by Gay Hendricks. In his book, Gay details the things that often hold us back and how to confront them so that we can reach our zone of genius.

Topics in this episode Defining the inner thermostat level  Why we self-sabotage The four zones of comfort Zone of incompetence What can you delegate? How to get your time back Zone of competence “I’ll just do it myself” The importance of moving from comfort to fulfillment Zone of excellence Why this doesn’t quite feel satisfying Zone of genius The zone in which you thrive Defining the upper limit problem and how to identify it  The 4 hidden barriers that are holding you back

Take time this week to look at these barriers. Do any of them resonate with you? Start paying attention to your day to day interactions with yourself. What stories do you tell yourself?  They may feel real and true, but they are not. Once you start with the awareness, you can begin to see where the root problem is and you can begin to dismantle your upper limit problem. 

If you are ready to take a big leap, but you’re not really sure how to do it for yourself, I want to help you.  This is the time to invest in yourself. Head over to  We’ll get on a quick call to see where you’re at, where you want to go, and if it’s a good fit. If you’re not quite ready for the call, but you want more free content, go to and you can download a three-step guide to find more work/life balance.