Since I talked about perfectionism last week, I thought this would be a good time to discuss enough-ism, especially during the holidays when we’re trying to do it all. How often do you say that you, or something you’ve done, isn’t enough? I want to show you how those thoughts aren’t serving you. They are keeping you from making the most of your time and creating true connections with those around you. I also want to share the steps of how to overcome these beliefs and how you can re-write your story. 

Topics in this episode You get to decide if you are enough.  Numbing out keeps us from feeling shame and discomfort, but it also means we miss out.  It takes courage to believe that we are enough.  Be willing to let go of who you think you should be, in order to be who you are. Using self-criticism to protect you from feelings of shame  Step one is awareness An exercise in becoming compassionate, and curious What can you begin thinking on purpose? 

If you are ready to take this to the next level, I would love to help. I have three spots that just opened up for one-on-one coaching. It’s not for you if you’re not looking to find balance and to continue to excel in your career. But if you are ready to take your career to the next level and feel more in control of your time, let’s chat. Go to Set up a time to chat with me and we can make sure it’s a good fit and that we are on the same page. 

If you’re not quite ready, but you do want more free content, head over to and there you can download the three-step guide for more work/life balance, starting today.