"Inspire Us" introduces the "Inspire Us Kids" edition, where kids get to tell us about what they're going through.

In this first "Inspire Us Kids" Podcast, 12-yr-old Parker Smith and his mother Kacie talk about how Parker's life was severely affected by bullying and how a post on Instagram and Facebook changed everything. Parker had the courage to speak up. But as you'll hear in this episode, at first his voice was not heard. This episode speaks of the responsibility of responsible adults responding to the voice of children. It's a wake-up call, one we need to take seriously. 

About Parker: Parker is your typical pre-teen with dreams and plans, just like the rest of us.

Sports are his life, according to his mom, Kacie.  He enjoys all sports but most of all loves softball.  He plays for a team in his small community, and his position is pitcher and outfielder.  When he is not out on the field he enjoys skateboarding and hanging out with his friends and family. When Parker grows up, he wants to become a humanitarian and help others who have gone through tough situations like his.

Enjoy this first "Inspire Us Kids" episode. Note: the sound is shotty at times, with some interference, but that happens. It's still very "listener-friendly." Let us know what you think about the kids' edition!