Today's show features Rachel Weinstock, a woman who suffered bullying as a child and wanted to die at the age of 6. With the help and support of her parents and another adult who stepped in to stop it, Rachel went on to become an advocate against bullying and is helping kids globally.


Rachel Weinstock is a Transformational Coach & Speaker for pre-teens and teenagers who are struggling with being bullied, low self-esteem, chronic stress, and anxiety.

She is the Creator of “Enough Is Enough: Getting To The Heart Of Bullying Prevention” and “Virtual Club for Pre-Teens” - an online program that helps young people to lower their anxiety through heightening their mindfulness and expressing themselves creatively.

For more than 17 years, Rachel has traveled the world teaching, speaking, and storytelling, and today she is on a mission to create a world where every child feels happy, confident, and safe to be the truest, most creative version of themselves.

Rachel holds Degrees in both Visual Arts and Education and was awarded the James W. Fair Leadership Award from the Ontario Institute For Studies In Education.

Her philosophy to work with children is deeply impactful because of her lived experience of being bullied as a child and teenager herself.

More than 17 years ago Rachel decided that she would always show up as the teacher she dreamt of having as a child, and ever since has been known by her students, colleagues, and fans as the one and only, Miss Rainbow Fairy. 

She's a passionate advocate against bullying and you'll love what she has to say!

Here's how to follow or connect with Rachel:

Notable quotes: "Turn your suffering into a story that makes the world a better place"

"Become the teacher or caring adult you always dreamt of having in your life as a child"

"Find a way to turn your deepest pain into the greatest for the world"