028. Today we have our first GENTLEMAN on the podcast! Ryan Spence of Ryan Spence Yoga is a yoga teacher, writer & podcaster. He’s also an ex-BigLaw lawyer and practiced at a large international law firm for 11 years, split between London & Singapore. 

Ryan helps stressed-out, time-poor, lawyers & corporate executives with regaining control of their physical & mental wellbeing though yoga. The ultimate aim is to get them to start living intentionally and find their purpose

On today's show, you'll hear Ryan explain:

The role of yoga in changing your mindset by combating limiting beliefs, instilling discipline, resilience, focus and awareness. How many of us 'sleepwalk' through life without questioning what we're doing or why we're doing it. How yoga helps us to slow down, drop our ego, and look within ourselves for the answers rather than seeking external validation.

You’re going to learn that there is so much MORE to yoga than stretching your body. It also stretching your mind.

Learn more about Ryan Spence:

Website: https://ryanspenceyoga.com/
Instagram: @ryanspenceyoga / @theyogaden_pod
Podcast: The Yoga Den Podcast
Medium: https://rlspence1.medium.com/

Learn more about Katie Hardy:

Katie Hardy
Founder & CEO
WholeHardy Health, LLC
Certified in Integrative Wellness by Duke Health
[email protected]
Inside Out Wellness Podcast

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